Turn Your Dream Of Working Online Into A Reality

Hey, I'm Carie!

I launched my online business in March 2023 alongside my full time job as a Veterinary Nurse.

I had just got engaged, loved working with animals & lived in a beautiful area on the edge of Dartmoor with my Fiancé Jake and spaniel Fergus. But I felt restless and unfulfilled, I knew there was more to life than the 9-5 lifestyle. I was tired of waiting for weekends and annual leave to do the things that made me truly happy.

Since launching my business, my mindset has taken a huge positive turn. Now, instead of endless scrolling on instagram, I invest hours into personal development. This combined with plenty of hard work allowed me to resign from my job as a Veterinary Nurse in just 1 year. I now get to spend more time living my dream outdoor lifestyle and helping to support other like minded women achieve their dreams as well!

And if that wasn't enough, I have also met some of my now closest friends through this business. To be surrounded by supportive women who love to see you thrive is so special and I could not have achieved what I have without the support of our incredible team.

Whats next? Jake and I have huge dreams we are striving towards. Including our wedding this summer, traveling the UK in our home on wheels 'Sandy' and emmigrating to Australia at the end of 2024.

What do I do?

In brief, I help to support like minded women to build and run a successful, sustainable and ethical online business.

Things you don't need:

• An existing business plan

• Product stocking

• Pestering friends or family

• A big social media following or presence

• Previous business experience

Things you do need:

• A desire and drive to make a change

• Willingness to learn

• Drive and dedication to achieve the future you dream of!

I will provide you with step by step training on how to:

✔️ Run a successful social media page that is authentic to you

✔️Create and publish adverts that run 24/7 in the background

✔️ Attract your ideal team members / customers

This in term will allow you to build a thriving business that allows you to help support other like minded woment to:

Build a life that truly aligns with their beliefs and values

Watch the FREE training to learn more: